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Uk Universities Accepting 5.5 Ielts Band Scores, Colleges List


With a global reputation in terms of high quality education combined with world-class infrastructure, UK is full of elite universities and institutions. The IELTS or English language test can be an obstacle for many students who know their native English and want to study in UK. Students who do not pass the 6.0 qualification level in IELTS will find it difficult to take the course of their choice at their Dream University or college. Universities do not accept applications that do not qualify for an intermediate degree. So, are there any options for students who are looking for IELTS 5.5 band colleges in UK?


Universities Accepting Low IELTS Scores

For a college student, studying in the UK can be one of the most rewarding opportunities as you have the opportunity to experience the charm of the new country and its culture. When planning to study in the UK, promoting standardized exams such as IELTS, TOEFL, GMAT and GRE is one of the most important steps. But many students fear that low IELTS scores will prevent them from enrolling in their dream course in the UK. If your score is between 5.5 and 6.5, you should be sure that most schools and universities will gladly accept your application. But if you have an IELTS score of less than 5.5, we have compiled a large list of all foreign universities that accept low IELTS scores worldwide, so you can apply to make your study abroad dream true by studying in the UK!

List of Universities in UK Accepting Low IELTS Scores

Studying in UK is like fulfilling and living your dream life. Isn’t it? So we have created this comprehensive list for all universities in the world that accept minimum IELTS qualifications.


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